We, here at Game Forge have come up with an answer to that question above and devised a fool proof way to prove it!
So it is with great pleasure to announce that starting 1st October 2010, Game Forge will be holding its FIRST quarterly Best Game Forger League! Now, we are based in Penang and as you know, we Penang-kia always like to do things a little differently. So here are:
- The league is open to ALL Game Forge members. Have you joined? Have you updated your member ship? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to either, then hey… you’ve qualified to be in the league! All you need to do now is register as a League Forger. No entrance fee required.
- This league will be open to BOTH Warhammer Fantasy Battles AND Warhammer 40k players. We are looking for the best player and don’t care which game system you play, as long as you play.
- The league will be held within the period between 1st October and 31st December 2010.
- In keeping with the gaming and modeling spirit, scoring will be done in the form of Markers on the League board which will be prominently displayed in the shop for all to see. Markers will be colour coded to indicate their value, i.e. 1 point and 2 points.
- Minimum size of games are fixed at 1,000 points per army list.
- For every game you start, that is deploy, then complete no less than 3 full Player turns, you and your opponent will earn a 1 point Marker each.
- If you play with FULL army of FULLY painted models (yes, that includes basing), you will instead earn a 2 point Marker. Those who use empty bases, paper cut outs or proxy models will not be entitled to this additional point. ‘Counts-as’ and Conversions models may be considered if they are in good taste though.
- In the event of multi player games, the above Markers will be awarded to all participants so long as they adhere to the above rules. I.e. 1 Point for playing till no less than after everyone has finished their Turn 3. And 2 points if you are playing a fully painted army with no proxies or empty bases or paper cut outs.
- Once you and your opponent(s) have finished your game, just approach any Game Forge staffer and collect your Markers for you to pin your achievements on the League board!
- Scores will be tallied and winners will be decided at 12.01am 1st January 2010 and decision by the organizers will be final.
Other than enjoying a LOT of Warhammer-ing, we are putting up for grabs the following:
Winner with the most points: MYR150 GameForge Store Voucher
1st Runner-Up with the second most points: MYR70 GameForge Store Voucher
2nd Runner-Up with the third most points: MYR30 GameForge Store Voucher
Consolation Prizes for the players with forth and fifth most points: MYR15 GameForge Store Voucher each.
Also, bragging rights come to any and all who wish to go for it.
Quick! Get your models assembled! Paint them up! Get those games in and start raking up those points. ‘Cause if you do it right, you might actually prove to be the GameForge #1 Leaguer of 2010!
See you on the grass mat!
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